( OOC Info )

PLAYER INFO.   She/Her, 54, Eastern U.S.

RP STYLE.   Freeform, multi-para, literate, mirror

RP THEMES.   Adventure/Exploration, Combat, Criminal, Supernatural, Technological, Slice-of-Life, Social

ACCEPTABLE   Flirting, minor bodily harm, dark themes

ACCEPTABLE WITH PRIOR DISCUSSION   Romance, intimate encounters, major bodily harm

NOT ACCEPTABLE   Dishonesty, manipulative and/or passive-aggressive behavior, bullying, gaslighting, metagaming, and/or god-moding. OOC bigotry, racism, homophobia, transphobia, ageism. Character death. Players under 18. Explicit ERP. Excessive "purple prose". Meme characters. Excessive OOC "bleed". "Main characters". Stealing/copying others' OCs.

FORMATS   In-game, Discord

DC/SERVER   Dynamis/Halicarnassus, but will travel to any NA server

AVAILABLE TIMES   Weekdays, 4-9pm EST, Weekends 7am-11pm EST

IMPORTANT NOTES. IC =/= OOC. I am not my character and my character is not me.
If you cannot discern fictional RP from reality, then walk on.
If an issue arises, please communicate it to me ASAP. I can't try to fix something if I'm not made aware of it. Also make sure to let me know if you need a break, if something's not clicking or if there's something you wish to explore. Ghosting me without the most basic courtesy of communicating your intentions will end our interactions.I do best in one-on-one/small group RP. Large gatherings tend to overwhelm me and I end up not writing at my best...or at all. In venue settings, I prefer to interact with those I'm directly RPing with in party chat or tells whenever possible. During art parties and other mostly-OOC events, I'll usually be OOC myself. But if you wish to RP, then please feel free to shoot me a tell and let me know!I am an avid GPoser and love taking shots of scenes with RP partners, so if you don't mind, I'll definitely be doing so!Sanji is MY OC and is not available for use in any RP/collab without my knowledge and permission. If you see him being used/mentioned anywhere by anyone else but me (probably as "Sanji Oronir" or "Amasandji Oronir"), or if you're unsure, please let me know through any of the contact methods below.


( Stats)

NAME : Amasandji "Sanji" Kamakura (Oronir).AGE: 28.D.O.B: 10th Sun of the 10th Astral Moon.ETHNICITY: Xaela Au Ra.GENDER.: Male.PREFERENCES: Demisexual / Panromantic.LANGUAGES: Spoken: Xaelic, Common, limited Doman and Garlean. Can understand most through use of the Echo.PROFESSION: Special Operative for the Eorzean Alliance / Junior Archon.RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Married to Hyperia kir Quinntus

HEIGHT: 6'10".BUILD: Slim, but Toned.HAIR COLOR: Black with pale silver highlights.EYE COLOR: Sapphire blue with limbal rings that shift from black to bright azure blue, depending on his mood/health.SKIN TONE: Tanned.SCARS: Various knife and bullet scars upon his torso and limbs..OTHER: Archon mark on the left side of his neck. Wears a multicolored woven bracelet on his right wrist (a gift from his sister) and onyx platinum wedding band on his left ring finger.

( Skills and Talents )

WEAPON PROFICIENCIES : Archery, Rapier.ELEMENTAL SUMMONING : Sanji specializes in a unique form of summoning that draws forth the elements and gives them form. He often uses this to augment his weaponry as well as manipulating them to create whatever forms suit his purposes..THE ECHO: Sanji possesses a limited form of the Echo which allows him to gain occasional very brief flashes of insight into another's thoughts, as well as allowing him to speak and understand most languages and granting him a sort of "danger sense". It's not as developed as the WoL's and, with the exception of the translation ability, only manifests during times of great stress.OTHER SKILLS : After joining up with the Scions, he was paired with Thancred Waters who taught him various skills of subterfuge, stealth, and cunning. He has also been learning Red Magic from Alisiae during their time together in Garlemald and Sharlayan.
In his spare time, his is a talented cook and avid fisher and botanist.

( Personality )

Sanji tends to come across as very mild-mannered and soft-spoken to most people...a gentle soul, eager to make friends. While there is an innate goodness to him and he possesses the desire to help, when faced with injustice and/or cruelty, he becomes a very cunning and deadly adversary.He has a great love of the outdoors, enjoying his spare time in the extensive gardens and tending to the animals on his and Hyperia's shared island in the Cieldalaes.Sanji possesses a deep fondness for learning new things. Whether it's the latest local gossip flowing through the teahouse, a new combat or magical technique, or the political machinations across the sea, he will eagerly absorb any and all knowledge that comes his way.
Recently, his greatest dream was fulfilled when he earned his Archon mark from the great schools of Sharlayan.

ALIGNMENT : Neutral Good.
LIKES : Cooking, reading, anything sweet and/or spicy, fishing, gardening, animals, intelligent conversation, magic, protecting others, righting wrongs.
DISLIKES : Selfishness, cruelty (especially to animals and the innocent), shallow-mindedness, disloyalty.

Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Religious / Agnostic / Atheist
Disagreeable /In Between / Agreeable
Patient / In Between / Impatient

by  / / / / :    @SOMRESOURCES.

( Rumors / Hooks )

Son of the Steppe

"Sanji? Yes, he was something of a black sheep amongst his family. Spent more time daydreaming about faraway lands, hanging about at Esugan's cookpot, and hiding in the sheep pens than training. Parent's didn't like that too much. His brother was an ass, but his sister was so protective. I think she was the only one sad to see him leave."
-- Oronir Warrior

Doman Resistance Member

"It's kind of funny that he ran away from home because he didn't want to be a warrior, but he was one hell of a fighter while he was with us! Might've been Khaishan's influence, I don't know. They were thick as thieves until the raid. When the Garleans took him, we figured we'd never see him again."
--Doman Resistance Member

Imperial Conscript

"'Horns'? Yeah, that's what we called him. Seemed like this quiet, meek guy who went about his business of cooking our meals with his head down and mouth shut. Hah! You'd never know what sort of power he held or how much he was listening in. Can't help but wonder what he might've done had things not gone to shit. Moot point now, I guess."
--Nero tol Scaeva


"After the tinheads got chased out he came through here quite a bit. First with a woman that I heard was some sort of high-ranking Imperial he rescued, then a few moons later with Eorzea's Champion. Not sure what happened to the woman. He didn't seem too happy at her absence though. He was always willing to lend a friendly hand to those in need, though. Pretty damned good cook as well"
-- Alys, bartender at The Seventh Heaven, Mor Dhona

Scions of the Seventh Dawn

"Kid had the Echo, so of course we took him in. He soaked up everything like a sponge. Even let me teach him some tricks of subterfuge. But he spent most of his time talking esoteric magic techniques with 'Shtola and Urianger. Apparently his style was one they hadn't seen before."-- Thancred Waters, Scion

Dynamic Duo

"You would have never have thought that there could be anyone more opposite than him and my daughter. Her with more of an affinity for machines than people...and him, whose compassion and soft heart managed to get past her walls. But somehow, they not only make it work, but are stronger together!"
-- Marius Quinntus

by  / / / / :    @SOMRESOURCES.

( Relations )

[ *Hyperia kir Quinntus.

As a lead engineer in the Garlean Empire's XIVth Legion, Hyperia came into contact with Sanji during his time as a conscript. While he was barely beneath her notice, she did seem to hold something of a soft spot for the seemingly-mild-mannered Xaela. When the Praetorium fell, Sanji found her wounded and near death, and his instincts urged him to save her. Carrying the unconscious officer from the crumbling fortress, he did what he could to heal her and, feeling she owed him for her life, Hyperia agreed to allow him to accompany her as she made her way across Eorzea and back home to Garlemald.
This tentative relationship lasted for only a short while until, after aiding the Warrior of Light in their exploration of the Crystal Tower, Hyperia turned on the hero, seeking revenge. Angered at her betrayal, Sanji parted ways with her and joined the WoL and Scions.
However, they were reunited first in Ala Mhigo, then Garlemald, where they initially still held a certain wariness, but it slowly faded into friendship...and eventually much more.


[ *Khaishan Oshidari.

Sanji first encountered Khaishan during his time in Doma, where the Raen served as the leader of a resistance cell against the Imperial occupation. For a time Sanji aided them in their efforts, forming a close friendship and, eventually romance with Khaishan. However, one day, their hideout was raided, Khaishan was gravely injured and Sanji was taken as a conscript.
For years, Sanji believed Khaishan to be dead until he returned to Doma after its liberation and was reunited with his old friend. Since then, they have been inseparable, with Khaishan providing the muscle when Sanji's cunning and intellect aren't enough.


[ *Jaya Oronir.

The youngest of Sanji's siblings, Jaya grew up with the expectation that she would be the warrior Sanji never was. Surprisingly, she fell into the role easily, but solely for the purpose of shielding her brother from the torments of the the rest of her family. After Sanji chose to leave the Steppe behind, Jaya followed in his footsteps a few years later, making her way to Doma where she fell in with Khaishan's resistance group, aiding them in the liberation of Doma. Shortly thereafter, she was reunited with her brother.
The spunky young Xaela brings a sense of uninhibited fun to their lives and is more than willing to drag them out for bar crawls, shopping trips, or whatever she's in the mood for as often as possible. She's also not averse to smacking a bit of sense into some of the more bull-headed members of their group when needed.


[ *Viraj Acharya.

Alchemist, envoy, nobleman...Viraj was sent to Eorzea shortly after the events of the Final Days as an emissary from The Great Work of Thavnair to exchange alchemical knowledge, as well as learn more about the culture. The youngest of the Acharya siblings, he is both a talented alchemist as well as something of a playboy. Between his visits to the local Alchemists' Guilds, he enjoys participating in the "cultural exchange" found in Eorzea's more upscale venues. It was in one of these venues that he first encountered Sanji and Hyperia. After a few drinks, he became intrigued at the possibilities of mixing alchemy and technology and currently works alongside them, sharing his talents for potions and poisons.

by  / / / / :    @SOMRESOURCES.